The Faithfulness of God
Jean Norment
Nearly fifty years ago, I had a glorious, unexpected encounter with the living God and made Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “I will send you to the nations of the world and you will teach My word.” I couldn’t imagine such a future because I was a wife and mother of two young sons living in Montgomery, Alabama. Yet I bowed my life to Christ and whispered, “Your will be done.” As God opened doors for me, one of the most enjoyable and fruitful times of my life was teaching and discipling a group of young moms for two years while living in Montgomery. We studied the Beatitudes, and God marvelously changed all of our lives as evidenced by the accolades of our husbands!
Now, fast forward forty years. After serving Christ alongside my wonderful husband, Bobby, who went to be with the Lord last year, I am once again teaching a weekly Bible study for young moms in beautiful Black Mountain, North Carolina, where I live.
Every Thursday morning from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, a group of young mothers gathers in my home for coffee/tea and snacks to study the Bible. Five moms bring their nursing infants with them while their other children take part in the Arts and Activities Program, which is part of
Excel Academy.
I just love seeing the “stroller brigade” pull up to my front door each week and hear the
excitement in our voices because we’re together again. Although it has only been one week, God continues to do so much in our lives we can’t wait to catch up! As I look into the beautiful faces of those infants, I marvel at the changes I notice each week. I can’t help thinking of my three precious grandchildren, (ages twenty-four, nineteen, and sixteen), and wondering, where did all those years go? Although I am the “grandma” of the group, our hearts are knit together in our common desire to be godly women, whose homes are full of God’s love and grace, and keenly aware we are raising up future generations for Christ. What could be more important or more wonderful?
So, what does our morning look like? After we get settled (which takes a while) we’re excited to dive into God’s word. I plan to teach about 40 minutes, but the ladies know they can jump in anytime. We often end up having such lively discussions, I need to finish the lesson the following week! Last year, our topic was the Beatitudes (Déjà Vu), and we learned the Holy
Spirit transforms us inwardly, so our external lives will reflect the beauty of Christ. We accepted
the challenge to stop trying to change everyone else and allow God to change us. I suspect their husbands were excited, but we’re all still working on that one!
This year our topic is the finished work of the cross, and what a comprehensive work it is! How liberating to discover that God wants His children to rest in Christ’s perfect work, and not our own works. The Lord is setting us free from striving and performing, and our “Christian
checklists!” It’s a joy to hear the weekly testimonies of what God is doing in their hearts and
homes. As busy moms, they’re discovering that God’s peace abides within them, even on their
most hectic days. We spend the last hour sharing our prayer needs, encouraging, and supporting one another, and celebrating God’s goodness. I never cease to marvel at how quiet the little ones are each week.
As the “stroller brigade” packs up and we say goodbye, I am so aware of the faithfulness of God to me. He has brought me full circle. Although I have carried His word to many nations, my favorite, and the most fruitful form of mentoring, is feasting on God’s word weekly with a group of women who are hungry for Truth. Their love for their husbands and children touches me deeply. These ladies are strong, smart, tender, capable, dedicated women who meet life head-on because they trust God and know who they are in Christ. They inspire me and I am honored to be a part of their lives.
Because I haven’t found the word “retirement” in the Bible, as long as God continues to give me health and strength, I think I’ll just keep on doing what I love to do the most—telling everyone who will listen how good and faithful God is, and how much He loves them!
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